Tuesday, March 06, 2007

News Happenings I

I've decided to start occassional comments under the title News Happenings on this blog. Instead of screaming at my television, or crumpling my newspaper like an idiot, I'll post my observations of stupidity or incompetence in news reporting. With Channel 4 and 5 around, I'm sure this will be a regular feature.

My first rant. Channel 5 aired a story tonight at 10 about a child being hit by a car at 29th and Lark in McAllen. Was it an informative news piece meant to inform us of the who, what, when, where, why, and how? No, not really. It was a see-we-reported-it-first, victory dance.

You see, last week, 5 ran a story about how dangerous the intersection was, featuring all its dramatic favorites. The proximity to a school, parental outrage, and Big-Brother's slow response to the problem.

Where's the weenie in this follow-up story? What did the police say about the cause of the accident? Any charges filed or pending? What if the lady pushing the stroller was at fault? We can't ask that question because if she was at fault, well you get the picture. It goes against the "speeding cars are the problem" template from before.

But don't worry. The parents are still outraged, the school is still there, and the district has no comment, so stay tuned.

Alex Trevino was the reporter.


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