Saturday, September 09, 2006

Brad Pitt-Still Single White Male

Hold on everyone! His Royal Highness, Brad Pitt has spoken. The everyday man says that he and Angelina Jolie won't get married until everyone in the country who wants to get married is able to do so. One would assume, which I hate doing, that he is talking about the gay marriage issue.

Hey Brad! Who cares? That's your business and those of us who live in reality don't need your guilt trip regarding the state of your marriage or the lack thereof. Personally, I could care less if two women or two men are able to marry. It doesn't affect my life in the least. However, there are people in the country that don't see it that way and I think that they just might be in the majority on this one. At least the courts have said so.

That being said, gay marriage, or the right of a man to wed his great uncle's pet turkey is off the books as of today. Not to worry though. You could use your superstar status to start a grass roots campaign of the National Enquirer, US Weekly, and People Magazine readership to change the laws of this nation so that you and your woman can make it official. But, if that fails, drop your passports at the door and feel free to move to another country where gay marriage is legal and voila, problem solved. It's a win-win situation. You guys get to get married without bearing the cross of a society's inequities and we in the States will no longer have to put up with your elitist crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you compare a union between two human beings to a human & animal.

I'm a proud lesbian and I don't want to marry no damn animal. I do want to marry my partner who is human just like you.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Powerslave105 said...

It's not a comparison. I'm just saying that if me being married to my beautiful wife is good for me, and you being married to your wonderful woman is good for you, then why not everyone else. Believe it or not, I'm on your side. I just don't think that Pitt's shenanigans help your cause.

9:32 PM  

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